Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 58-106 (Baja Sailing)

As you may have noticed, I have not been posting anything for quite some time.  The reason?  I was sailing in Baja on the Sea of Cortez!  I had the opportunity to go on a NOLS sailing trip.  NOLS stands for National Outdoor Leadership School.  For 24 days I learned how to sail a drascombe, how to live in the back country, and leadership skills.  I also met some amazing people and saw some incredible wild life.  For example, how often does one get the chance to sail with a pod of killer whales?   Let me tell you, it was stupendous.  Here are some photos of my trip.

This is the Drascombe.  Each day we had a crew of 3 students and 1 instructor per boat.

Here is proof that, yes, I did row.

class time

Backcountry baking lessons

my very own backcountry pizza

Hipster glasses!

Learning about navigation

Eating grapefruit 

Eating fish tacos at Chico's

At Chico's the girls set the table, and the boys wash the dishes.

re-rationing food
I got to refill the spice bottles.

Our entire group at Chico's
We stopped at a small store and bought cookies!

This is beautiful San Basilio, our first camp site in the marine reserve.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible photos, incredible trip! Thanks for posting them, Sarah!
